Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Political? Or just a picture?

Photography can be simple, complicated, beautiful, graceful, or something not so apetizing. My favourite form of photgraphy and the most interesting is photography in which you convey an important message or symbol. A simple picture can illustrate and increible opinion, or a simple point. If you were to walk down the street and a pile of trash catches your eye. It strikes you as appauling, and you realize that it caught your eye because of how the litter sttod out against the foresty background. Now is the time to capture your picture. You find the right angle, the right lighting and you capture the photo in the way that best conveys you opunion or feeling. I just happen to have a picture that came from the exact same situation.
This image is from the sitting area out side of Clarke High School. Students sit there weveryday and have to deal with all the trash. I took this picture to best capture the large amount of garbage around and the fact that it is choking the wildlife, as it is seen here pile on the lawn underneath a tree.

This kind of photography doesn't always require an imporatn message, below I took a photo of a drastic difference in a green bushy lawn, and a gravel driveway. This comparison is meant to evoke thoughts of the struggle betteen nature and man. Creation, and destruction. It is not meant to be important or to prove a point it is just meant to draw out the feelings in the viewer that I felt when I first came across this place.

This form of photography can teach lessons, prove points, or show opinions, and it is fanastic being able to show how you feel about things through the art of photography.

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